Secrets to Getting Your Girlfriend Back
>> Thursday, July 15, 2010
Time and time again, the question seems to come up from men that really want to turn around their personal life and finally get the reaction from women that they want. Guys want to know how they can turn a friend to a girlfriend and there is a very common and a very good reason for this. Men almost always find themselves falling into the position of being a friend to a woman that they would much rather date than anything else.
If you want to turn a friend to a girlfriend, then there are some things that you MUST do and some things that you MUST know before you can make this happen. Of course, the easiest answer would be to not let it ever get to the point where she sees you as a friend and nothing more. Then you don't have to worry or wonder about how to turn things around.
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But, usually the guys that really want to know the friend to girlfriend secrets are already there, so there's not much use into going into that. So, what are some tips to turn a friend into a girlfriend, once you have already gotten into the friend zone with a woman?
1. YOU have to change the way that she sees you. And the only way that you are going to be able to do this, is to make sure that you are no longer doing the "friend" stuff with her. You don't want to become her shopping buddy, you don't want her to run to you to complain about this guy and that guy, and you don't want to ever hear her tell you that you are like a brother to her.
2. Sometimes you have to go away for awhile. Trying to see here everyday and make her want you as more than a friend is a pretty tough thing to do. If you make yourself scarce for a while, it's easy to reinvent yourself in a way. When you come back around her, you can change the way that you interact with her and she will almost have to see you differently.
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3. You've got to cross the line. By this, I mean that you have to be able to risk rejection from her in order to let her know that you are not here to be her buddy. You want more. Sure, it might save some temporary hurt by not risking rejection from her, but in the end, it will probably hurt more to be her friend for years and not be able to tell her how you feel.
4. Act how you would around a woman you desire. That means you need to be flirtatious with her, you need to tease her a bit and you need to be able to create sexual attraction and sexual tension with her. If you don't then you can be almost guaranteed that the friend zone IS where you will end up.

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